
Rêves d’avenir, 2021. icon

The breath of sustainable development or Desire is the key to change

«Dreams of the future» (Rêves d’Avenir) is a two-tone sculpture bench formed by three clouds of natural stone
whose color varies from ochre to beige. Two vertical clouds provide the base and back of the bench and a
horizontal cloud creates its seat. The public is invited to sit there to dream of the future. Each cloud is composed
of 4 interpenetrating carronds. A carrond is the artist’s favorite form of balance, born from the fusion of a half
square and a half round. The 4 carronds here symbolize the 4 pillars of sustainable development: economy, social,
environment and culture. For the artist, the shapes and objects that surround us permeate us. The symbolism is
thus intended to inspire dreams of sustainable development to the person who sits on the bench-sculpture.

The project was born from the encounter of the artist with the Ateliers Muzarelli, family business of stonemasons,
specialized in the restoration of historical monuments (bridge, castle, church). A multi-millennial art, stone cutting
establishes an alchemical dialogue between the tailor and his material that dreams of a sacred dimension linked
to the tension between the will to transform and the fear of the resistance of the stone. The Laval stone of the
Tarn, compact limestone with very fine grain, is one of the hardest, its density is 2750 kg/ m3. The shaping of the 
shape of the bench-sculpture was made possible by the combination of cutting-edge technology and ancestral
craftsmanship, resulting from centuries of companionship and oral transmission.

"To achieve something truly extraordinary, start by dreaming it," said Walt Disney. Today we utopians collectively
dream of sustainable development. Awareness is growing every day about the need to make a profound change
in our energy-intensive lifestyles and our destructive economic models. Beautiful modalities have emerged for
twenty years, happy sobriety, symbiotic cooperation. However, in the face of the anger or sadness of an activist
youth, sometimes cynical or distraught, it is vital to offer spaces where hope is encouraged, possible, heard. Indeed
to dare to believe in his dreams, to share them aloud in a benevolent setting gives us the energy to concretize

The work aims to trigger the desire to stop to take or take the time to dream of the future. Workshops to listen to
«dreams» are encouraged, led by the artist or mediators according to a specific roadmap. In small groups (4-5
people accompanied by a mediator or the artist), each participant is invited, with the same time for all, to share
his dream aloud, then to receive feedback from other participants. Desire and joy are the keys to change. If our
Dreams of the Future sometimes seem inaccessible to us, it is up to us to climb on a cloud to meet them together.
Aborigines say we live in the dream of our ancestors. So if our dreams build the world of tomorrow, what dream
do we have today?