
Montagnes sacrées, Neiges éternelles ?, 2016.icon

Solo Shows - Artéfact Project Space, Paris.

Can beauty contribute to the voice of our IPCC scientists who alert us to climate change? A mountain,
our mountains, from Mount Fuji to Mount Blanc, from Kilimanjaro to Everest and their eternal snows
are like symbols, evidence. Immutable points of reference since the origin of life on Earth, landmarks
marked by our silent footprints … By pressing more or less with my hand, my arm or my whole body, by
placing my imprint on a matrix in a brutal way or just touching the sheet, the ink settles into the paper
in varying degrees or does not adhere at all. As a continuation of my research on the ecological footprint
of humanity, I wanted to pay tribute to our mountains, these sacred mountains where snow, everlasting
snows, are in danger and which we may have to protect.

Maud LC * is a singular artist who navigates between poetry, visual arts and design. Climate and
societal issues are the major themes of her research. Her militant approach comes from a personal
questioning: « How to reconcile the irreconcilable? The organised and chaos, the I and the us, the inert
and the living … Just as passionate about astrophysics as philosophy, Maud LC loves immersing herself
in economics or biology. She develops classical works (sculpture, engraving, photography, etc.) but also
an interactive and citizen-based practice, protocols (research + action) such as her last exploration of
the anthropocene, JEMONDE.