PROTO204 on 10 December 2014 at the Diagonale de Paris Saclay
In the framework of the European project SYNENERGENE ( dedicated to the participation of citizens in discussions on synthetic biology, a team of mediators (Jean Jacques Perrier and Dorothée Browaeys, linked to the University of Paris 1 Sorbonne) proposes to involve students, researchers (in biology, bioinformatics, bioeconomics or social sciences concerned with living) mobilized or interested in synthetic biology, the living in all its forms (agro, ecology, animal, techno, law, philosophy... ), and artists (visual artists, writers, video-makers, cartoonists, theater people.
We propose you to interact between artists and scientists in order to produce various expressions. This catalytic interaction will take place on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm – on the Paris-Saclay sector, at Proto 204 at Orsay.
Students, researchers and artists will present their work and experiences, which will be discussed.
Maud Louvrier Clerc presents her JEMONDE action research protocol.